참여기관 목록
강좌 소개
강좌 수강 정보
과제명 | 퀴즈 | 토론 | 최종 TEST |
반영 비율 | 40% | 40% | 20% |
최종 70% 이상시 이수됩니다. (관련문의: 박상우 T.A swpark@kasi.re.kr)
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- 강좌 관련 문의
UST-KASI 박사과정 박상우 swpark@kasi.re.kr
강좌운영팀 소개
강좌 운영 계획
주차 | 주차명 (주제) | 주차별 학습 목표 | 차시 | 차시명 |
학습내용 | ||||
1 | Interstellar Medium (ISM) | The audience is to understand astronomical scales and the physical characteristics of the interstellar medium, such as dust and gas. | 1-1 | Astronomical Scales, ISM Introduction |
1-2 | Introduction to Interstellar Medium | |||
1-3 | Dust and Radiative Transfer | |||
2 | Molecular Clouds | The audience is to study molecular clouds where stars are born. They will also have the chance to study the mechanisms of heating, cooling, and maintaining the form of molecular clouds. | 2-1 | Line Radiation |
2-2 | Interstellar Medium: Gas and Observations | |||
2-3 | Molecular Clouds: Overview and Molecule Formation | |||
3 | Molecular Clouds to Protostars | The audience is to study how molecular clouds become protostars. | 3-1 | Molecular Clouds to Protostars: Physical Parameters |
3-2 | Turbulence and Magnetic Fields of ISM | |||
3-3 | Molecular Clouds to Protostars | |||
4 | Protostars and Planets | The audience is to study the evolutionary stages of young stellar objects and the structures around them. | 4-1 | (Low Mass) Young Stellar ObjectsⅠ: Evolutionary Stages |
4-2 | (Low Mass) Young Stellar ObjectsⅡ: Discussion of Physical Properties | |||
4-3 | Multiple Star Formation and Massive Star Formation | |||
5 | Stars: The Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram | Plotting the HR diagram, measuring stellar distances and magnitudes, and classifying stellar spectra. | 5-1 | Two-dimensional Distribution of Stellar Parameters |
5-2 | Distances and Magnitudes | |||
5-3 | Magnitudes | |||
5-4 | The Classfication of Stellar Spectra | |||
6 | The Evolution of Stars | Nucleosynthesis in stellar nuclei and understanding stellar evolution, especially after the main sequence. | 6-1 | Energy Generation |
6-2 | Stellar Evolution | |||
6-3 | Post-Main-Sequence Evolution | |||
7 | Star Deaths | Understanding the final stages of stellar evolution, supernova explosions, and understanding white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes. | 7-1 | Final Stage of Stellar Evolution |
7-2 | Supernova Explosion | |||
7-3 | White Dwarfs, Neutron Stars, and Black Holes | |||
8 | The Milky Way Galaxy | Understanding the shape and structure of our Galaxy, stellar populations, and connecting star clusters to the HR diagram. | 8-1 | The Morphology of the Galaxy |
8-2 | Stellar Populations | |||
8-3 | Star Clusters and the HR Diagram | |||
9 | Galaxies beyond the Milky Way | Understanding the discovery and classification of external galaxies and their physical properties. | 9-1 | External Galaxies |
9-2 | Irregular Galaxies | |||
9-3 | Multiwavelength Observations | |||
9-4 | Normal Galaxies | |||
10 | Hubble’s Law and Distance Scale | Understanding galaxy clusters, which consist of many galaxies, and studying the physical properties of galaxy clusters. | 10-1 | Galaxy Clusters |
10-2 | Hubble’s Law | |||
10-3 | Distance Scale | |||
11 | Active Galaxies | Understanding active galactic nuclei (AGNs) with supermassive black holes that enable various AGN activities, as well as the sub-components of AGNs. | 11-1 | Radiation Mechanisms |
11-2 | Active Galactic Nuclei | |||
11-3 | Astrophysical Jets | |||
12 | Theory of Relativity and Universe Evolution | The audience is to study the theory of relativity and the expanding universe. | 12-1 | Theory of Relativity |
12-2 | Expanding Universe | |||
12-3 | Space Origin Controversy | |||
13 | Evolution of the Expanding Universe | The audience is to study theories that explain the history of the universe and the experiments that proved these theories. | 13-1 | Expanding Universe and Energy 1 |
13-2 | Expanding Universe and Energy 2 | |||
13-3 | Standard Candle | |||
14 | Start and Evolution of the Large-scale Structure of the Universe | The audience is to study the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe and the experiments on the large-scale structure of the universe to understand its principles. | 14-1 | Copy Space Background |
14-2 | The Big Bang Theory | |||
14-3 | Space Initial Inflation | |||
15 | 기말고사 |
분리선별공학(광물 및 순환자원(폐배터리 등)) 물리적 처리 개론 진행중 이수증분리선별공학(광물 및 순환자원(폐배터리 등)) 물리적 처리 개론
2024.10.15 ~ 2025.01.25-
운영기관 과학기술연합대학원대학교
주차 12주
학습인정시간 (총 동영상시간) 7시간 19분 (07시간 27분)
인공태양속으로 진행중 이수증인공태양속으로
이종하 외 10 명
2024.10.15 ~ 2025.01.11-
운영기관 과학기술연합대학원대학교
주차 13주
학습인정시간 (총 동영상시간) 4시간 23분 (04시간 30분)
자연모사기술 진행중 이수증자연모사기술
김완두 외 2 명
2024.10.15 ~ 2025.01.25-
운영기관 과학기술연합대학원대학교
주차 14주
학습인정시간 (총 동영상시간) 15시간 31분 (15시간 31분)
Biomedical Engineering 진행중 이수증Biomedical Engineering
박귀덕 교수 외 5 명
2024.10.15 ~ 2025.01.25bio 바이오-
운영기관 과학기술연합대학원대학교
주차 15주
학습인정시간 (총 동영상시간) 16시간 45분 (16시간 45분)
탄소중립을 만들어갈 에너지공학개론 진행중 이수증탄소중립을 만들어갈 에너지공학개론
2024.10.15 ~ 2025.02.01-
운영기관 과학기술연합대학원대학교
주차 16주
학습인정시간 (총 동영상시간) 7시간 27분 (07시간 31분)
지구를 지키는 나노소재 진행중 이수증지구를 지키는 나노소재
2024.10.15 ~ 2025.01.18-
운영기관 과학기술연합대학원대학교
주차 14주
학습인정시간 (총 동영상시간) 6시간 51분 (06시간 53분)