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배우고 싶은 강좌를 찾아보세요.

추천 강좌

    다국어 설정


    This course introduces various types of precious historical sources from premodern Korea. By reading through and analyzing specific historical manuscripts, such as royal court documents and literati’s writings, students are expected to form a concrete understanding of Korean history. We will give students opportunities to explore the social, economic, and political contexts in which historical actors produced those sources.

    (1) By being introduced to rare historical sources, students will learn the very basic skills of mustering sources and building specific knowledge of the past.
    (2) Students will become familiar with diverse forms and genres of historical sources derived from traditional Korea.
    (3) By encountering the specific examples of such historical actors as kings, literati, women, and slaves, students will be able to develop their own research topics, hypotheses, and theses.

    Week 1 The World of Classical Chinese and Korean Historical Manuscripts
    Week 2 The Confucian Classics in East Asian Traditions
    Week 3 Dynastic Change and the Mandate of Heaven (Royal Court Documents)
    Week 4 Voices of the Enlightened (Literati Writings)
    Week 5 Social Life and Economic Strategy
    Week 6 Dialogues with Sources: Interviews with Experts

    • Professor Jaeyoon Song (송재윤 교수)

      1. Affiliation: Professor, McMaster University

      2. Education: B.A. in Philosophy, Korea University

                             M.A. in Philosophy, Korea University

                             Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University

      3. Selected Publications

      “Sources of Learning: Zhu Xi’s Theory of Moral Development,” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 48, 2021; Traces of Grand Peace: Classics and State Activism in Imperial China, Harvard University Press, 2015. et al.

    • Teaching Assistant

      서울대학교 한국경제와 K 학술확산 연구센터

      (Center for Korean Economy and K-Academics at Seoul National University)

      K-MOOC 담당조교(Teaching Assistant)

      연락처(Contact): kekasnu@gmail.com


    Q Is there a course textbook?

    A We don't have any official textbooks. However, guidebooks and study materials are provided every week, so please refer to them when studying.

    Q Can I get a certificate?

    A The evaluation criteria for this course consist of 100% of the final exam, and a certificate will be issued if you achieve more than 60%. Please note in advance that the final exam is presented in Korean.

    Q Is it necessary to participate in the discussion/debate or submit a report?

    A No, discussions/debates and reports are not reflected in grades and completion criteria. It's a learning element provided to present learning directions to students and help you with self-directed learning, so you can participate autonomously. Please note that you can submit your discussions/debates and reports in Korean as well as English.


    분야 인문 (언어 · 문학)

    난이도 전공기초

    운영기관 서울대학교 한국경제와 K학술확산연구센터

    이수증 발급

    주차 7 주

    학습인정시간 17시간 00분 (06시간 50분)

    수강신청기간 25.01.14 ~ 25.12.31

    강좌운영기간 25.01.14 ~ 25.12.31

    전화번호 02-880-2133

    자막언어 한국어 외 2건

    강좌언어 영어(en)
